Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Disappointed. I just read up on the poll counts, and I've gotta say, I really expected to see better turnouts. I witnessed and heard of "the longest lines in history" at the polling places; yet the turnout numbers don't reflect the same sentiment. Look at places like New York and California. Think about the population of those states. Then look at how many people really voted. Sad and disappointing.

Disconnected. I miss my friends in L.A. so much right now. My best boyfriend is going through hell and upheaval in every aspect. I feel helpless when he needs me the most. My best and oldest, dearest girlfriend (more like a sister) is about to have another baby, and I won't be there to see him grow up or to help her change diapers and wash bottles when she's sleepless and wiped out. Another sweet friend just had a milestone birthday, and lots of people came from all over (across state lines, even) to help him celebrate. I couldn't go, for my three exhausting but absolutely necessary jobs. And there's Bunny, my sister, my cousin (who visited two weeks ago and I've missed every minute since she left). And I really, REALLY miss my church. There's nothing like it here, and when i think about it, I get really sad. Although I'd had just about all I could take of living in California when I left, I feel like I'm in some alternate universe or something, not quite "gone" from there, just disconnected.

Discombobulated. Crud! I have so much work to do everywhere I turn, I'm getting overly creative with my spreadsheets, and too technical with my art. There's laundry in the kitchen, and dishes in the bedroom. Shoes on the bed, pillows on the floor. You get the idea. Calgon, bring my combobulation back!

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